Prevent Cold Weather Illnesses

It’s almost time to unearth my sweaters and I am excited. With cooler weather though, does come a higher chance of getting sick. While cold weather doesn’t directly cause an illness, it can increase your chances of getting sick. Cold weather can weaken your immune system and hinder your body’s ability to fight off infections.

A recent study found that lower temperatures can reduce the number of bacteria-fighting cells in your nose. Additionally, winter air tends to be drier, which can dry out the mucus in your sinuses, making it easier for viruses to invade. Viruses like the flu and common cold tend to thrive in colder conditions. When you add more time spent indoors with others, it creates more opportunities to spread illnesses.

Listen to your mother and bundle up before heading out in the cold. Cover your neck, nose, and ears to maintain your body temperature and support your immune system.

Boost your immunity by getting the flu shot, getting enough sleep, and washing your hands regularly.

If you enjoy outdoor activities in winter, warm up before heading out, and change out of sweaty clothes or take a warm shower as soon as you get home.

Remember, even with precautions, you might still get sick. If you do, rest, stay hydrated, and see your doctor if needed. Virtual visits can be a great way to avoid viruses in the doctor’s office!


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